Oh, zis is just ze greatest news! I passed my hexams, unt now I em an official Gnomish Engineer! Ze hexams vere very difficult, unt required zat I make a bunch uf stuff zat vuz very difficult. I efen made ze mistake vunce in preparation for it -- I made ze mizril cylinders instead uf ze mizril tubes. Oh, I vuz vorried about zat vun, but fortunately, I fount more mizril ore, unt I made ze tubes.
Now, I can make ze fine Gnomish items, zat are secret to only ze greatest uf ze engineers. I vill keep tellink you as I build zem, especially ze Battle Chicken, ze special goggles unt vhatnot.
I celebrated by finishink off a few quests I had to do, includink deliferink ze crash helmets to ze racevay in ze Shimmerink Flats. Vhile I vus zere, a Dwarf asked me to look arount for ze parts uf old racecars, so zat zey can put zem togezer again. Vhile I vuz runnink arount pickink zem up (zey are eferyvhere!) I saw a ship! Vhy vould a ship be in ze middle uf ze desert like zis? Zhere vuz no vun on ze ship to ask, zo. Just a lot uf turtles arount ze ship. I vunder if ze ship brought ze turtles? I did not zink I voult vind so many turtles in ze desert eizer.
Gnonest unt I are beck in action, unt ve spent some time killink ze efil coven members in Desolace. Gnonest says he sinks ze nezer vitches are cute. I sink zey are a little too tall -- like ze elves. Still, ve managed to pick up a bunch uf stuff off ov zem, unt ve finished off a mage quest for Gnonest. He didn't say vhut he got for zem, zo. I sink ve vill go to ze monastery next, or maybe to ze jungle for my varrior quest.
Eizer vay, it vill be nice to flex my veapons again. I em beck!