
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Viz ze new mount

Here I em viz Tinsel, unt my new mount. I heffn't named it yet. Zere vuz a silly undead guy runnink in front uf ze camera. Zey can be so rude.

I told Gnonest I voult name it efter him, because he gafe it to me. However, I zink zat coult cause some confusions. If I shout out, "Hey Gnonest, I vill ride you to Booty Bay!" Gnonest (ze Gnome) coult be confused. So, I vill try to zink uf a new name. I em zinkink Verdigris, or meybe Tintin. I luff tin.

Here's a closeup uf ze mount. Notice ze fine craftsmanships on it!

Tinsel unt ze mount heff been gettink along hokay. I sometimes notice Tinsel chewink on ze mounts legs, or tryink to stuff nuts (ze metal kind, Tinsel isn't a normal squirrel) into ze mount's hexhaust ports. No damage so far, zo. I hope zey learn to play nice togezer.


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like i found me some gnome meat


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