
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Monday, July 04, 2005

I'f been very busy lately

I em sorry I heffn't been updatink zis much lately, as I heffn't been doink in much ozer zan preparink for ze exams lately (news on zis soon). Gnonest has been goink out unt shakink down ze Troggs unt vhatnot for linen unt vool. He sent along a few pictures of him in all his spellcastink might.

Here he is castink a spell. Most fearsome, I vould zink. You can almost feel ze spell takink avay your life, or vhutefer zose zinks do.

Zis is a really goot vun -- he is like ze spell slinker, vhippink out a spell to maim, rend or freeze. Yah, zis vun looks like a freeze spell. Still, most fearsome, goot layout unt eferyzink. I em glad I left him my snapshot defice while I vuz busy.

More news unt posts soon, includink news uf my exam. I hope.


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