
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Monday, October 31, 2005

A little accident

Gnonest unt I vere trfelling through ze Uldaman, beatink up ze dark iron dwarfes unt troggs zat are in zere. Mostly it vent hokay, but at vun part ve vere swarmed! Zere must heff been dozens uf zem, all ferociously attackink us at vunce. I tried my best, but zey got me.

Zey hit me so hard, zey drofe me into ze ground! Only my feet did stick out uf ze ground. Boy, did zat hurt. (Gnonest took ze photo, as my camera vuz buried under ze rock uf Uldaman at ze time)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Hallow's End shenanigans, part vun

As eferyvun knows, it is ze Hallow's End, or close. So, ze costumes heff been showing up lately, unt ze Trick or Treatink has started. Here, I em transformed into ze leper gnome, vhile Gnonest vears ze scary human ghost mask. I missed takink ze photo vhile I vuz lookink like ze terrifyink tiny Diablo, but I vill try again later.

My fine new duds!

Gnonest has made for me ze smashink new suit! It is fery luffly, I zink. It is ze tuxedo, unt I zink it goes fery vell viz my new rose-colored goggles. I look like ze major media celebrity, I zink! Zis vill be just ze zink for zose late night party sessions unt raves in Stormvind. I might need better shoes, zo, zey sort uf clash viz my plate boots.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Alone in ze desert

Gnonest vuz nappink today, so I vent out to find some ghosts zat a goblin vuz lookink for. Gnonest didn't need to get zem anyvay. He doesn't like it vhen I go out alone. Ze last time I vent out alone, I bought ze sword from ze goblin. It vuz a luffly sword, made uf tin. Unfortunately, ze tin is not ze best for makink ze swords. It bent on ze first troll I vhacked viz it. Gnonest says zat I should not buy anyzink now unless he is arount to help me get ze good deals. Still, it vuz just ze desert of Desolace today. How much troubles could I get into?

I fount ze place zat ze goblin vanted me to look in. It vuz called ze "Valley uf Bones" (ooooo, scary stuff, kiddies). I saw vhy efter I looked zere for a little vhile - it vuz full uf bones, boz ze valkink sort, unt ze lyink down sort. I mean, look at ze bones!

I vunder vhut zose zinks vere? Zey are big, like ze giants, but zey heff ze pointy teeth like ze dragon. Unt ze spear like some uf ze naga. I'm sure zey voult heff been quite fearsome when zey veren't all bones like zey are now.

Here I em in vun uf ze mouzs uf ze big bones. Zey aren't so scary now.

I forgot to take ze picture uf ze pile uf dead ghosts zat I collected for ze goblin, but you can imagine ze pile, can't you? It vuz quite high, I assure you. I'm not sure how I killed ze ghosts, as I zought zat ghosts vere already dead. Still, vhen you vhack zinks hard enough, zey fall down, unt zese ghosts fell down vhen I vhacked zem.

Efter I killed ze ghosts, I vent lookink for ze goblin again. Boy, he vuz hard to find! I vent all ofer ze place looking for him. I vuz afraid I might heff to fill up my strider's tank again. I had switched it to ze diesel, for ze economy, you know. I vusn't sure if I vould be able to find any in ze Desolace. Fortunately, I found ze goblin in ze souz end uf ze kodo grafeyard. He vuz fery happy to see me, unt gafe me a nice shield for brinkink him ze dead ghosts.

So, I got back to ze Booty Bay, viz nozink for Gnonest to chastize me for, except maybe for goink out vizout him. Zis time. Next time ve vill go back to ze mine at Uldamon, I zink.

My new armour

I heff been collectink new armour lately, as befits ze most fearsome gnome zat I em. It is now ze full plate armor, for ze most part. So, it is quite protectife. Viz all uf zis on, I fear nozink. Except maybe ze dragons.

My favourite piece, zo, is ze helmet. I heff gotten vun uf zose elven helmets zat ze sentinals vear. I like it, but many are mistakink me for ze elf now. Efen zo I do not heff ze ears.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Killink ze big guys

My vord, but it has been a long time since I wrote here. Vell, I heff been a little busy. Gnonest got himself a mechanostrider, so ve heff been galavantink around on zem. He's still a little shaky on ze controls, unt he doesn't really like it, but I zink he is gettink used to it.

Ve fount zis place uf bugs near Feazermoon. Zey vere kind uf nasty, attackink us unt all. Uf course, vhut else vould you expect from ze bugs? I still heff a rash from ze bugs in Stranglezorn Vale. Unt don't efen bring up ze Vetlands!

Here ve vere comink up from ze bottom uf ze bug place. Zere vere really big mosquitoes zere!

Gnonest unt I decided to leafe ze Feazermoon area, at least for ze vhile. Ve vent beck to Arazi to finish off a few zinks zhere. Zere are lots uf big zinks in Arazi! Like zese giants ve killed zere. Bigger zey are, ze harder zey fall at ze hands uf Gnomes, zat's vhut my huncle Vilhelm used to say!

Zose giants vere just ze start. In Arazi, zere is a city zat ze humans used to life in. Vell, zere are still some humans in zere, but most uf zem are zeives unt cutthroats. I can tell, because zey are all vearink ze black.

Last, ve heff ze picture uf ze pile uf ogres ve left behind vhen ve left ze city.