
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Killink ze big guys

My vord, but it has been a long time since I wrote here. Vell, I heff been a little busy. Gnonest got himself a mechanostrider, so ve heff been galavantink around on zem. He's still a little shaky on ze controls, unt he doesn't really like it, but I zink he is gettink used to it.

Ve fount zis place uf bugs near Feazermoon. Zey vere kind uf nasty, attackink us unt all. Uf course, vhut else vould you expect from ze bugs? I still heff a rash from ze bugs in Stranglezorn Vale. Unt don't efen bring up ze Vetlands!

Here ve vere comink up from ze bottom uf ze bug place. Zere vere really big mosquitoes zere!

Gnonest unt I decided to leafe ze Feazermoon area, at least for ze vhile. Ve vent beck to Arazi to finish off a few zinks zhere. Zere are lots uf big zinks in Arazi! Like zese giants ve killed zere. Bigger zey are, ze harder zey fall at ze hands uf Gnomes, zat's vhut my huncle Vilhelm used to say!

Zose giants vere just ze start. In Arazi, zere is a city zat ze humans used to life in. Vell, zere are still some humans in zere, but most uf zem are zeives unt cutthroats. I can tell, because zey are all vearink ze black.

Last, ve heff ze picture uf ze pile uf ogres ve left behind vhen ve left ze city.


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