News from Anor
I got ze strangest message from Anor today. I guess zat is a little redundant, as ze elves are all a little strange. It is also goot to hear from Anor, as I sought he vus dead. Ze last message I got from him vas sayink zat he vuz goink to hunt dragons! Razer zan readink it, I decided to include ze message here:
My dear cousin Gnolly,
I write you on this day with a request for aid, as I know that you know more of these strange devices than I. I was hunting in the wilds of Stranglethorn when I relieved a Troll (of the Skullsplitter tribe) of his worldly fears. Upon the body, I found a strange device. It appeared to be a bow, of perhaps shortbow in stature, but one permanently attached to a handle. I say permanently, but I am not certain. I did attempt to remove bow from handle, but I feared I would break it, and so resigned myself that the two are intended to be together. It does look like arrows could still be mounted upon the bow, perhaps even fired from it. However, I am confounded by the handle -- Gnolly, what is the purpose of it?
I await your sage advice,
Like I said, elves are a little strange. I can hardly vait until he finds ze blunderbuss!