
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Razorfen unt travellink

I vent into Razorfen Kraul, but it seemed like it vus too much for me alone. I vill heff to vait until Gnonest can come in viz me sometime.

Zo, as I couldn't get my oil, I decided to explore a bit, unt I found a nice goblin city called Ratchet. Ze goblins are nice people, but zeir knowledge of engineerink is a little flawed. Anyvay, zere vus a boat zat left Ratchet for Booty Bay, so I caught it unt ran back up to Duskvood from zere. I vus attacked by many gorillas as I ran up, but I avoided zem. I did kill vun tiger, zo, and now I vant to try out a new recipe. Unfortunately, no vun in zis dreary little town sells apples, unt I need it for my jungle stew recipe. Hopefully, Gnonest has a few apples to spare.

I vill vait for him in ze inn. He said he vould be around sometime.


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