Varrior times
Ze ozer day, I decided to go off unt heff an adventure vizout Gnonest. Not zat ve had an argument or anyzink, but he vus buzy. Also, I had a few 'varrior' tinks I had to do. Gnonest neffer understands zose tinks, I zink. He's a mage, unt zey don't know ze joy of feelink your blade chop into somezink, or a mace clingink off somevun's helmet. It's just fun.
Zo, I had to go off to ze Barrens, a vild unt vooly area full uf Orcs unt more. Zere vus a fight club on an island off ze coast vere I vus supposed to meet viz somevun unt talk to about a fight. Ze Barrens are a strange area, vizout any snow, but zey did heff some tin.
Unfortunately, I em horrible at directions. I finally got to ze Barrens, but I vent by vay uf Zeremore Island unt ze awful marsh behind it. I kind uf liked ze marsh in ze Vetlands, viz all ze dinos and stuff, but zese marshes vere nasty! Creepy like ze Duskvood, unt more smelly. Not efen any copper! Zere vere some guards patrollink, unt I felt sorry for zem. Valkink in zat muck, in full plate. Zey're feet must smell like trolls when zey are done for ze day. Still, I got to ze Barrens unt vent off to find ze island. It vus a bit uf a swim off ze shore, especially in my armour. I spoke viz ze guy runnink ze fight club, a Clannoc Macleod. He told me to go stand in ze circle, unt he vould send fighters out to beat me. Zey kept comink, unt I kept knockink zem down. Finally, ze "Big Vill" came out. He vus huge! Some kind uf human-orc cross, I zink. Very ugly. I beat him vizout much difficulty. Clannoc congratulated me, unt told me about a veapon I should get.
I zink I vill try to get ze oil for my new armour first, zen go back to meet up viz Gnonest.
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