Cookink viz Gnolly
Vell, last night Gnonest unt I vere defastatink ze populations uf ze Rocs in Tanaris. Zis goblin had asked us to brink him lots uf eggs, unt clams unt cheese. Ze clams unt cheese ve had, but now it vuz time to get ze eggs. Tanaris is ze crowded desert! Ve couldn't valk 20 paces vizout bumpink into a hungry basilisk or hyena. Rocs, on ze ozer hand, vere hart to come by. Finally, ve found bunches uf zem near some old bones souz uf Gadgetzan. Still, zey vere surroundet by hyenas unt basilisks, but ve fought zem all. Ve vere so busy viz ze fightink, zat I forgot to take ze pictures. Especially vhen ve vere fightink meny at a time. Oh, I tried out Mizchick, unt she is vorkink quite well.
Still, finally ve got all ze eggs, unt now I (and Gnonest) are privy to ze highest lefels uf ze cookink craft! I celebrated by cookink up a storm uf roast raptor, volf meat, unt carrion surprise. I hed so much to eat, I vuz stuffed like ze turkey! Now, I vill get back to practicink my fishink, to prepare for ze tournament.