
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Ze scarlet monks unt green gnomes.

Vell, Gnonest unt I hed a great time a few days ago runnink into ze scarlet monastery. I hed heard zat all monks vere nice people, calm unt peaceful. Zese monks veren't anyzink like zat -- zey attacked us as soon as zey saw us, complainink ve vere "contaminated". Vut ve vere contaminated viz, zey didn't say. It vuz such a messy place as vell, books piled up eferyvhere. It vuz for two uf zese books zat ve vent into ze monastery. I hed zought ve voult go in, say, "Hello nice monk folk, can ve borrow zese two books?" Instead, ve hed to bang heads unt take names. Ve fought our vays zrough ze monastery to ze main library. Zere Gnonest found ze book he hed been lookink for unt ve left. I hope to nefer see zose monks again.

Gnonest hed to rest a bit efter ze monks, unt so I set off on my own to Gnomeragan, ze ancestral home uf ze Souzern Gnomes. (Gnonest unt I are uf course Norzern Gnomes as you can tell vrom our proper accent) It vuz a gloomy place, unt many uf ze remainink Gnomes vere a little crazy. Hokay, a lot crazy as zey attacked me as vell! I zink zey vere ze contaminated vuns. "Stop", I said, "I em vun uf you!". Still zey attacked. Zey seemet to be buildink ze flyink machines. I forgot to take ze photo uf zem, zo. I vill try to go beck sometime for zat.

My engineerink vork continues to improfe. I made ze Gnomish Battle Chicken to aid Gnonest unt I in our quests. I heffn't tried it yet, but I em callink it Mizchick, as it is made uf a lot of mizril. I zink it vill help us to be fearsome.

Gnonest promises us zat efter his rest ve can finish zat recipe for ze goblin, unt ve vill become better cooks. Uf course, he made me promise to practice my fishink to prepare for ze upcomink tournament. Alvays somezink to do!


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