Ze dragon story
It vuz ze vhile beck, but is a funny story anyvay, so I vill tell you.
Gnonest unt I vere in ze Badlands, unt zis guy asked us to go unt kill some uf ze dragons (just ze little vuns, nozink too fearsome) unt bring back ze heart uf vun uf zem. Ve set off, unt started to vhack zem. Unt vhack zem. I got ze heart fairly quickly, but I vorried zat Gnonest hadn't gotten his. So, ve kept on vhackink ze dragons. I zink ve killed more zan Anor does, unt he hunts zem. Efter a few hours uf killink zem, I vas startink to get ze RDKS - Repetitive Dragon Killink Syndrome. My wrists vere startink to hurt from swingink my sword too much. Zen Gnonest unt I talked about ze troubles ve vere heffink, unt he said, "I vunder vhen you vill find ze heart?"
I said, "Me? I got vun hours ago, I zought you vere still lookink for vun?"
He replied, "Oh, I got vun hours ago as vell. Ve maybe heff vhat zat guy vanted?"
It vuz so embarrassink, all zose dead dragons. Hopefully ze dragon conservation folk von't be efter us.