
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

mn nu hmnt

M god mnslf d nu hmnt. Ds a lddl dhd, zo.

Ah, phew! Zorry, I had to take zat off for ze vhile. I heff gotten ze new helmet. I decided to try it as too meny people vere zinkink I vus ze elf in ze old vun, plus zis vun is a bit more protectife. I vish it showed my eyes or hair more, but vhat can you do? It is also a bit tight, but I em vorkink it in so zat I can talk vizout ze problems vhile I em vearink it. Is goot, as Gnonest has some uf ze difficulty understandink me vhen I vear it now.


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