Runnink in ze voods
A vhile beck, Anor (he's zat Elf I know) told me zat Feralas is a luffly place. Gnonest unt I finally got zere a few days ago, unt ve decided to go hexplorink. It is fery nice. It coult use some snow to cheer ze place up, but it is much nicer zan ze desert. Unt drier zan ze Vetlands unt Svamp uf Sorrow. I em still wringink my socks out from zat place.
Gnonest vuz nice enough to put ze enchantment on my sword. Here I em testink ze enchantment on ze Gnoll. As you can see, it is quite a bright enchantment. I like zat, fery much.
As vell as ze enchantment on my sword, Gnonest has also been busy viz ze tailorink he does instead uf ze engineerink. Zis is his new headbant unt vest. Fery snazzy, but hardly goot in ze battle! Efen my plate stuff hardly keeps me goink all ze time.
Ve vere doink a lot uf yeti killink last night. I know zat it isn't nice to attack zem as zey are fairly intelligent unt all, but zey attacked us first! Still, to be helpful to any hunters or ozer leazervorkers in ze area, ve vere fery careful to pile zem up to make it easier to skin later.
I also saw ze giant fartink last night. Sorry zat I didn't get a photo, as I vuz just too shocked. I vill try again later.