
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Gnonest vuz studyink, so vuz I

Ze ozer day, Gnonest vuz doink his magical studies in Stormvind, so I decided to pass ze time by studyink ze devices zat ze mages keep in ze chamber. Zis vun vuz most interestink as ze lights mofed around ze rock. Almost like ze clockvork. It reminded me uf ze clock I had made meny years ago viz my aunt Flora. She showed me ze details uf carevully carfink out ze gears for ze clock, uf vindink ze spring, unt gettink eferyzink to mofe just so. Efen zen, I vuz ze great engineer, so I decided to make ze clock efen better -- I hooked it up to my vocal audibulator, zo zat it vould say ze time efery minute. Aunt Flora vuz so delighted viz it! She put it avay in ze box for save keepinks, but you coult still hear zat clock countink all ze day long. Unt all ze night long, as it vuz important to keep time at night as vell. It vuz too bad zat Aunt Flora vent crazy unt burned down her shop. Ze firegnomes zat came to put out ze fire efen told me zey could still hear my clock countink. Zat's Gnomish reliability!

Zis magic zink vuz not like my clock at all. I voult heff taken more pictures, but I fell asleep efter takink zis vun. Ze magic stuff is borink.


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