Ze Scarlet Monkplace
Gnonest unt I vent for a long run ze ozer night to visit ze Scarlet Monastery. Great, I figured, a place full uf monks. Monks are nice people. But not zese monks. Right away, zey attack us! Vhy? Because zey said ve vere contaminated. Boy, zose scarlet guys aren't very friendly at all, goot zing ve didn't help ze vun in Desolace at all. Ve shoult hev kicked him in ze shin!
Ve got a little tired uf ze monks attackink us all ze time, so ve decided to vait on zat for anozer day, unt ran ofer to ze Arazi Highlands. I like ze highlands -- lots uf Tin (and Iron, and efen a bit uf mizril). Gnonest needed to kill a bunch uf trolls to make a staff. He promised me lightening unt everyzink, but vhen ve put ze staff on ze altar, nuzzink. Vell, a bit uf light, but hardly any lightnink. Bah, borink mage quests.