Gnonest unt I decided ve needed to finish a few uf ze quests ve heff been delayink on. So, ve vent lookink for zese two elves zat had gone missink. Ve fount zeir vagon, but did not find zem. It vus most puzzlink. Fortunately, ve found zeir tracks (Tinsel is an excellent tracking mechanical squirrel) unt found vun uf ze elves in a nearby orc place. Ve rescued here, but she vanted us to find her brozer, "In Desolace". Not hexactly ze best directions. Ve vandered around, unt killed a few more uf zose infernal Infernals, as vell as some ozer demons, unt vultures unt vhatnot, but did not find ze elf brozer. Ve did find some ozer elves, but zey had not heard uf him. To me, zey all look alike -- tall unt grey. Finally, ve gave up ze search.
Gnonest had zis mage quest he had been vaitink to do as vell. Ze directions vere to look in a marsh (not ze vetlands, anozer vun), "Vest uf Zeremore, unt Norz uf Dunmaul Ruins." or some such directions. Really, vould it kill people to giff better directions to zese zinks? I mean, I vould not say, "You can build a bomb by putting some hexplosiff stuffs in a can." People vould loose fingers zat vay. It is ze same viz ze quests -- vhy not say, "Before you get to ze place viz all ze dragons, turn left. Don't go to vhere all ze dragons are." Vould zat kill zem? Or maybe efen, "You know, I vuz goink to get you to run all ofer ze place, but I chust popped it into ze mail instead." You know? Some times I feel like I hem chust a delifery gnome.
"Gnolly, go get me 10 uf zese zinks.", "Gnolly, I need you to go tell Foobinooble zat ze toast is ready.", "Gnolly, you are a very brave varrior, I vill make you somezink. Before I do zat, zo I need you to bake me a gristle omelet (ze humans eat ze strangest zinks)"
Don't efen get me started on all ze runnink ve did -- all ze vay from Ironforge to Desolace. Viz nuzzink to see! Vould it hurt zem to put in more uf ze trams?