It has been a vhile since Gnonest unt I heff gone out into ze desert. Gadgetzan in Tanaris does miss out on some stuff (zere is no spice vendor, for instance), but it is a fun place to lollygag about in. Howefer, ve heff been doink a few runs out in ze desert.
First up is ze pirates. Alvays ze scourge (not ze Sourge) uf decent folks eferyvhere, ze pirates uf Tanaris are no hexception. Ve decided to do a bit uf cleanink up in zere compound, spendink many hours vhackink ze slower pirates on ze head. Look at ze carnage ve left behind!

Last night, zo, ve decided to head out uf ze desert. Zo, ve vent to ze chungle. I vill nefer get ze smell uf Stranglethorn Vale out uf my hair from ze last time ve vere zere, but now ve are back in zat place. Ze vun zink zat ze two places heff in common are ze basilisks. Strange zat zese beasts are hokay in boz ze desert unt horrible chungles. Zis is a shot uf ze business end uf vun uf zose basilisks in ze chungle.

Now ve are off to ze nicer places. Ve heff flown to ze Hinterlands to do a few chobs. It is a much nicer place, efen zo zere are still trolls zere.