
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I vent to Duskvood today

Gnonest slept in today, zo I vent runnink around vizout him. First I zought uf goink to Booty Bay, but zat vus a long run, and it vus most scary -- I efen saw a Gorilla! (I killed it)

However, I did get some very nice recipes in a camp in Stranglezorn Vale. I luff gettink new recipes! Alvays new tastes, efen ze strange stuff humans eat (vut's up viz pumpkins, anyvay?). Instead, I vent into ze Duskvood. Vut a creepy place! Dark unt foggy, unt ze trees vere efferyvhere. Vun nice zink vus I found lots of Iron unt Tin! Very goot for minink -- you vouldn't zink ze forest vould be zat goot, but zere you go.

Zis poor human vanted me to make him a telescope. He had plans from a Gnome, but couldn't figure zem out (uf course). Zo, I vent unt got ze stuff for him, unt helped him assemble it. I efen saw a GOLD mine, but I heffn't figured out how to separate ze gold ore, zo I left it. Zat vus a hard zink to do.

Sometimes, ze trainers giff you strange zinks to do. I vent to talk viz ze Varrior trainer in Stormvind, unt he vanted me to go to some island off ze coast of ze Barrens to meet viz people unt fight zem. Not zat I heff a problem viz zat, but really, I vunder vut I am to learn uf zis. I still heff to go to ze Razorfen Kraul as vell to get ze oil of phlogiston for my armor. Soon, I zink.


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