
Ze stories uf ze fearsome Gnome varrior, Gnolly! Unt Gnonest.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

More times in Vetlands

My vord, but zese blog zinks are difficult. No vun tolt me zat zey vere so much vork! You must remember to log on every vunce unt a vhile unt enter somezink.

Vell, enough complainink. Last veek Gnonest unt I decided to spend some more time in ze Vetlands. It is a pleasant enough place, but viz no real minerals to speak uf. Ve spent most uf our time killink ze dinos of many different colours, includink ze fearsome Sartooz. I got pictures to proof it, as vell.

Efter ve killed all ze dinos ve could stand, ve vere asked to make a special trip to talk viz ze Dwarves. Zis, ve couldn't ignore -- ze chance to go back to ze beauty of Dun Morogh, unt ze snow vere too much. Effen better, on ze vay, I started to collect ze scorched spider fangs I need to make ze fire-hardened hauberk. Ze trip vus uneventful ozervize, except, vut is it viz Dwarves unt tunnels? My vord, but zey put ze tunnels efferyvhere! For no goot reason, effen!

Gnonest unt I are meetink again tomorrow, I zink, so I vill heff more zen.


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